About me

Beautiful photomechanical prints of White Irises (1887-1897) by Ogawa Kazumasa. Original from The Rijksmuseum.

White Irises

Ogawa Kazumasa

It’s hard to write just about yourself. One has to make a triage of features and chose the most relevant ones, those that describe the core. Core of the personality, yes, but under which perspective? The essence itself is unreachable.

I was born in the late 80′ in Poland. Just after the mature exam joined the Order of Preachers, Dominicans, it gave me the life perspective I couldn’t get anywhere else. After 5 years I left the order, continued philosophical studies and meet my wife. We have two kids and a cat.

Wanted to become a painter and a writer but “I am doing computers”.

With time passing by there is less fear, more happiness of simple being.

I run Men’s circles in Łódź to give myself and other man chance to be, to speak, to listen.

I believe in Truth, Good and Beauty.

Speak Polish, English and French.